Accreditation 8 September 2017
Provider: The Institute of Creative Arts & Technology Pty Ltd. (formerly Macleay College Pty Ltd)
Course: Graduate Certificate of Future Journalism
Course accreditation
Report on accreditation of one higher education course of study offered by Macleay College
A delegate of TEQSA has accredited, under section 49 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (the TEQSA Act), the following higher education course of study offered by Macleay College for a period of four years until 8 September 2021.
- Graduate Certificate of Future Journalism
Main reasons for decision
TEQSA has determined that the higher education course of study submitted by Macleay College for accreditation complies with the Provider Course Accreditation Standards and arrangements for delivery at all Australian sites.
TEQSA considers that the decision to apply a shortened period of accreditation to the course of study is consistent with the basic principles for regulation in Part 2 of the TEQSA Act. The shortened accreditation period provides an appropriate timeframe for TEQSA to review the course to ensure on-going compliance with the Threshold Standards, given that this will be the first AQF level 8 course delivered by Macleay College, and risks identified in relation to:
a) PCAS 3.1 in relation to admission criteria;
b) PCAS 4.2 in relation to the extent to which staff who teach students in the course of study have a sound understanding of current scholarship and/or professional practice in the discipline; and
c) PCAS 5.6 in relation to ensuring appropriate course progression and completion.