TEQSA maintains the National Register of Higher Education Providers and Courses.
TEQSA’s regulatory decisions are recorded on the National Register after providers have the opportunity to comment or seek review.
Unsuccessful applications for TEQSA registration are not recorded on the register. These are recorded on the unsuccessful applications page of this website.
Information on the National Register
The National Register Guidelines outline what information is published on the register.
Provider pages contain information about:
- legal and trading names
- registration duration
- conditions
- TEQSA decisions
- any TEQSA accredited courses
- links to information about the provider on CRICOS, Training.gov.au and QILT are also available.
For TEQSA accredited courses, click the Courses tab on a provider's page. This takes you to a page which lists TEQSA accredited courses at that provider.
Information on this page includes:
- course name
- when TEQSA accredited the course
- accreditation expiry
- any conditions we have placed on that course.
Please note: Australian Universities and other providers with self-accrediting authority accredit their own courses. Self-accredited courses are not listed on the register.
Trading names
Providers are listed under legal names, but many use trading names. Find them by searching for provider’s full or partial legal or trading name. Results show registered names, but the provider's page has all trading names in the 'Details' section.
If your provider's name isn't found, your course may have a third-party arrangement. In such cases, the registered provider is responsible. If you can't find your provider, please contact us.
Cancelled, withdrawn or expired registrations
This National Register details providers whose registration:
- has been cancelled by TEQSA
- was withdrawn by the provider
- has expired.
Registration or accreditation pending renewal
Active providers
When a listing reads 'registration ongoing pending renewal', 'pending' means providers are waiting for a TEQSA decision about re-registration. The provider stays registered during this time.
Active courses
When courses are marked 'accreditation ongoing pending renewal', 'pending' means providers are waiting for a TEQSA decision about re-accreditation. The course stays accredited during this time.
How to search the National Register
Filters on the left let you refine your search. You can filter by:
- provider name
- provider category
- self-accreditation status
- active/inactive
- courses in languages other than English
- course results can also be filtered by status and language.